Caltrain Wi-Fi Helper for MacOS

Caltrain Wi-Fi Helper for MacOS is a FREE menu bar app that will automatically connect to the Caltrain captive portal when you wake up your Mac. From the makers of Caltrain Companion for iOS!

Download Caltrain Wi-Fi Helper 1.1.5

How it works

There are restrictions on being able to see what wifi network you are on, so it uses the following logic:

  • Try to get IP address of wifi adapter
  • If successful, are you on a 10.x.x.x/20 network?
  • If so, can you access the internet? (attempt to load
  • If not, check if non-SSL websites resolve to a 10.x.x.x address
  • If so, GET captive portal, extract cookies & hidden fields, POST back to captive portal
  • If success, now can you load the internet? (attampt to load If so -> Success!

The app has no data collection or analytics.